Photo- and Videography

My Photography Journey:

When I was a kid (back in the film days!), my dad got a Petri camera with some lenses after retiring. He wanted a new hobby, but photography wasn't quite his calling. So, the camera gear ended up collecting dust in the attic.

Years later, I bought a Revue camera (another Pentax clone) and unearthed my dad's stuff. I started my own photography journey, but developing film was expensive as a student, so I had to press pause.

Pentax K5

Time marched on, digital cameras appeared, and while I was intrigued, I never quite jumped into b

uying a DSLR. Then, in 2011, on a car boot sale in Brighton, UK, I stumbled upon a Pentax K100D and its kit lens hidden amongst stuffed animals and teacups! I snapped it up, bought a memory card and batteries, and excitedly started taking photos.

But disappointment arrived quickly. All the pictures had a strange blue tint. Frustrated, I almost gave up, but then I tried a factory reset, and voila! The problem was fixed.

Rejuvenated, I dove back into photography. Soon after, I discovered my forgotten attic treasures, and my photo collection began to grow rapidly. I even upgraded my K100D to a K5, the last "true" Pentax. I also joined the photography club However, after a while, my passion slowly faded again.

Recently, the call of photography returned, and I picked it up again with a brand new Canon R50 camera. I rejoined and dove into both photography and videography, even creating content for Youtube. This perfectly complements my current work.

This July and August, I'm heading to the Paris Olympics to create online content for my employer, Vislink. Stay tuned for updates through my blog and social media links! I have dedicated a seperate Facebook Page for my Photo's
